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来源: 国际交流合作处 添加时间: 2024-06-20

  学校党委书记、董事长王贤俊教授希望通过合作办学模式,开展师生互派,引进更加先进的教学理念和课程设置,促进中法教育的改革与创新,促进学术思想的碰撞和交流,激发出新的成果,为迎接即将到来的中法建交60周年贡献力量。1703078233228383.jpg   Visited well-known French College for study and exchange
  Under the leadership of Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Dalian Art College, Wang Xianjun Professor, President of International School Liu Xuehong, President of Fine Arts Zhang Zhenhua and other parties were invited to ISTEC College for field visits and exchanges from web_web_wechat_2nd to 22nd Nov 2024. When they arrived the gate of ISTEC Paris , Mr. Laurent Ploquin, president of ISTEC, France, was already waiting for the party. This is the second meeting between the two sides since Mr.Laurent Ploquin and his delegation visited Dalian Art College on October 20 2023. It not only enhanced the communication and understanding between both colleges, but also consolidated the consensus of the two sides, and laid a solid foundation for the international education and exchange and cooperation between the two college.